
Group: DynoMotion Message: 14852 From: cnc_machines Date: 6/6/2017
Subject: ESD - KFlop


I am wanting to check best practices when using KFlop boards. I have been trying to troubleshoot some odd problems and wonder if we could be zapping our boards with ESD. I am trying to configure a new machine, I get an axis all configured using the step response and Config/Flash screens. I will then use the same settings for an identical driver on another output channel and it wont work. Sometimes when I go back to the first channel I just configured, it will stop working? All I can think of is maybe the Kflop is bad, or the computer drivers were bad.

Just so I understand.. When I change "Output Channel" in Config & Flash, and then press "Move" in the step response screen it will immediately change the pins and the mode to the associated output channel? If I have an INIT program running in the background which already configured the my axis - the configuration changes will override the previous configuration? Basically I can fiddle around with output channels and modes and it will be a life test with the step response screen?

If I am doing everything right - how could I have fried a board. I will often plug in a Konnect or a KStep board while under power. Bad idea?? We dont own a grounding strap - maybe it is time to get one? How much care should I be taking while handling and assembling these components?



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14858 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/6/2017
Subject: Re: ESD - KFlop

Hi Scott,

Sounds like you are misconfiguring one Axis and it is interfering with another Axis.  Avoid configuring multiple Axes to use the same device.

You might read this:


And watch this:


When you push "Move" on the Step Response Screen the parameters from the KMotion.exe Step Response, Configuration, and Filters Screens are downloaded into KFLOP.

You should never connect KStep or Konnect or most any electronics with power on.



On 6/6/2017 10:04 AM, cnc_machines@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


I am wanting to check best practices when using KFlop boards. I have been trying to troubleshoot some odd problems and wonder if we could be zapping our boards with ESD. I am trying to configure a new machine, I get an axis all configured using the step response and Config/Flash screens. I will then use the same settings for an identical driver on another output channel and it wont work. Sometimes when I go back to the first channel I just configured, it will stop working? All I can think of is maybe the Kflop is bad, or the computer drivers were bad.

Just so I understand.. When I change "Output Channel" in Config & Flash, and then press "Move" in the step response screen it will immediately change the pins and the mode to the associated output channel? If I have an INIT program running in the background which already configured the my axis - the configuration changes will override the previous configuration? Basically I can fiddle around with output channels and modes and it will be a life test with the step response screen?

If I am doing everything right - how could I have fried a board. I will often plug in a Konnect or a KStep board while under power. Bad idea?? We dont own a grounding strap - maybe it is time to get one? How much care should I be taking while handling and assembling these components?



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14868 From: cnc_machines Date: 6/8/2017
Subject: Re: ESD - KFlop

So if I understand correctly when I press "Move" it takes all configurations for channels 0-7 and loads them into the K-Flop. If I have the same output channel configured on two channels in two different ways, even though I clicked "Move" one one channel, the KFlop might be trying to move with two conflicting output channels? This seems like it would really explain my headache if that is correct.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 14869 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 6/8/2017
Subject: Re: ESD - KFlop

Hi Scott,

No.  Pressing "Move" only downloads the Axis Parameters for the currently selected Axis.

However if I recall the scenario you described earlier something like the following scenario might have occurred:

#1 "Move" for Axis 0 configures the use of Step/Dir Gen #0 and the Move works properly

#2 "Move" for Axis 1 also configures use of Step/Dir Gen #0.  At this point two Axes would be driving Step/Dir Gen #0 causing neither Axis to work  properly.

#3 "Move" for Axis 0 would no longer work until no other Axis was also attempting to use it.



On 6/8/2017 9:11 AM, cnc_machines@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


So if I understand correctly when I press "Move" it takes all configurations for channels 0-7 and loads them into the K-Flop. If I have the same output channel configured on two channels in two different ways, even though I clicked "Move" one one channel, the KFlop might be trying to move with two conflicting output channels? This seems like it would really explain my headache if that is correct.

