I am wanting to check best practices when using KFlop
boards. I have been trying to troubleshoot some odd
problems and wonder if we could be zapping our boards with
ESD. I am trying to configure a new machine, I get an axis
all configured using the step response and Config/Flash
screens. I will then use the same settings for an
identical driver on another output channel and it wont
work. Sometimes when I go back to the first channel I just
configured, it will stop working? All I can think of is
maybe the Kflop is bad, or the computer drivers were bad.
Just so I understand.. When I change "Output Channel" in
Config & Flash, and then press "Move" in the step
response screen it will immediately change the pins and
the mode to the associated output channel? If I have an
INIT program running in the background which already
configured the my axis - the configuration changes will
override the previous configuration? Basically I can
fiddle around with output channels and modes and it will
be a life test with the step response screen?
If I am doing everything right - how could I have fried a
board. I will often plug in a Konnect or a KStep board
while under power. Bad idea?? We dont own a grounding
strap - maybe it is time to get one? How much care should
I be taking while handling and assembling these